Surviving Suburbia: April 2011

Saturday, April 9, 2011

About us.

I'm Brittany, a 20-year-old full time barista and full time student studying Anthropology. I am engaged to an amazing man, Price, and we are buying our first house together. We've spent the last year living and loving in the east part of Memphis, TN. We are minutes away from everything there is to do and see in Memphis. There are grocery stores and an entire mall within walking distance, and everything else in all of Shelby County is a little over a 15 minute drive in any direction.
In the year since moving into our 600sq.ft. apartment, it has been feeling smaller and smaller every day. So we made the decision to purchase a house. We spent months searching for houses in our area only to find that even the smallest houses were outside of our price range and the nicer onces were all in the large (yet mild-mannered) "ghetto" that takes up the south portion of our beloved East Memphis. Sadly, the time eventually came to admit defeat. We were going to have to leave the inner city and move to the (surprisingly) more affordable suburb of Cordova. It was a difficult decision, and we wanted to give up after the first four houses we looked at had the SAME EXACT floor plan.
It didn't take us long to find the perfect house. It is a 1500sq.ft. duplex off of Germantown Parkway. It is a quick drive to both of our jobs and surrounded by many of the comforts of urban life (stuff within walking distance, small and easily maintained yards, various non-cookie-cutter homes, etc). Now, we are 11 days away from closing, and I cannot wait. This blog will document our journey to make this house into our perfect home.